Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day #7: College & Coupons

College and coupons aren't two words you normally see together but they are a great pair! Our daughter is getting close to finishing her senior year of high school and will be starting college in the fall. She will be older and responsible for much more. She will have her first job, which means first checking account and first budget. So one of the best skills I can give her to take into adulthood is how to shop wisely and stretch her budget as far as she can using coupons. She knows that when she does move out, mom will fill her pantry with Many sorts of coupon items but eventually her pantry will become her responsibility. To prepare her for this, she has been couponing now. She doesn't buy much yet, but when she does, she checks for coupons! She buys certain makeup products and other small items and isn't embarrassed to use her coupons. She realizes each coupon is typically valued at $1, so evey dollar she can keep, is in her favor. Hopefully when she is in college she won't have to live on a diet of roman noodles like most of us had to. Hopefully she will have full cupboards of great food on a roman noodle budget because she understood the value of coupons at an early age! it's never to early to teach your kids how to use coupons or too late for that matter!

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